
The SG-Directory, published every year in September, lists German, Swiss and Austrian confectionery sector names and contact details. But not only that: it is a huge resource of confectionery facts, figures and product data. The SG-Directory is packed with information about manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, specialist retailers and brokers involved in the chocolate, sugar confectionery, fine pastry, baked goods and snack business. In addition, this comprehensive guide includes details of smaller sized, artisan chocolate makers who supply specialist retailers as well as running their own stores. Packaging manufacturers, production line and equipment specialists, suppliers of ingredients and makers of vending machines also feature.


In addition to your free basic entry in the print and online editions, you will have even more opportunities to present your company and your products and services. To be listed in the SG-Directory 2017, please fill in the following form and return it to us. You may also introduce your company and products by an ad or banner placement. For conditions, please refer to our media information.