03/01/2018 | ZDS
ZDS - Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e. V.

At ZDS is all about baked goods


The February at ZDS – Central College of the German Confectionery Industry in Solingen is characterised by fine pastry and cookies. It starts with the “Forum Fine Baked Goods” from 15 to 16 February 2018. Due the motto “Knowing today what‘s important tomorrow” the speakers of this congress will talk amongst others about the supply security of raw materials for fine baked goods. The Fipronil scandal, the bad vanilla harvest in Madagascar or the increasing demand for butter have led to great uncertainty about the supply of raw materials.
At the Forum Fine Baked Goods, latest market developments and future prognoses will be presented. The focus lies on current availability, future supply security and expected price developments of bakery raw materials. Currently, more and more consumers are relying on a gluten-free diet. Whether this trend will continue, participants can discuss with experts from science, research and industry who will introduce the latest research approaches and medical backgrounds.
The “Industrial Manufacturing of Fine Baked Goods: Practical Introduction Course” from 20 to 22 February 2018 provides introductory knowledge about the manufacture of fine baked goods. In the course, topics are presented theoretically and applied in practice afterwards. Focus is laid on raw material properties and their impact on product quality as well as on production technology. This course in February will be held in ­German, yet an English version of this course will take place from 19 to 23 November 2018.     •

